Greet Our Massachusetts Publisher, Luci Scott

Meet Luci Scott, publisher of both Greet magazines that serve Massachusetts communities: Greet Duxbury and Greet Hingham.
This fishing-lover – who is married to a former fly fishing guide and is raising two “avid fisherpeople,” June and Tripp, on Duxbury Bay – has an illustrious background in the magazine industry. Luci worked in Sales Development for Sports Illustrated and Life Magazine, then moved on to Parade Magazine.
Lucky for us, she found her way to The N2 Company (the franchisor behind Greet) and has published Greet magazines since 2020. Get to know what she loves most about Greet and living the life of a magazine owner and publisher through this Q&A. And learn more about her publications on their webpages:Greet Duxbury and Greet Hingham.

How did you get started with Greet?
I was made aware of The N2 Company first through LinkedIn, then Katriena Devlin – a friend and fellow publisher who lives in my town. She answered a million of my questions about N2 over lunch one day. I’m also a resident who receives a Greet publication in my town.
What do you love most about the Duxbury and Hingham communities?
They are both beautiful coastal towns with loads of history and residents who care very deeply about their community and preserving that history.
What value does Greet bring to these communities?
Major connections! The magazine introduces residents and reconnects residents who haven't been in touch for a while. Greet also increases the visibility of the amazing local businesses within our communities. And overall the publication is a breath of fresh air – a media outlet that is light, happy, and positive.
What do you love about working as a publisher for Greet?
I love working with the other three N2 Publishers in our area. I also feel fortunate to provide a free product to residents who tell me how much they love getting the magazine every month. Lastly, I am fortunate to meet many different businesses daily. I’m constantly making new friends and have the opportunity to help them grow or maintain success in their business.
Is there a favorite story you love to share related to Greet?
My favorite story is about a resident in Hingham who we featured on the cover. He is a well-loved, 79-year-old veteran. Six months later a neighbor called to tell me she was dating him and would have never met him if he hadn't been on our cover! They had been living 14 houses away from each other for 40 years. She was invited to his 80th surprise birthday party and the rest is history. They are quite possibly the cutest couple and are huge fans of Greet. They thank us every time we see them for producing such a community-centric publication that brought them together.
Closing thoughts about working with N2 and ringing in our 20th year in business?
I rave about it on every call and meeting. A company such as ours, with such long-term success and a solid platform that has never wavered, will always succeed with the internal support of our teams, and the content from the communities we distribute to.
The N2 Company, and especially our Greet team, is thrilled to have Luci Scott behind the helm of Greet Duxbury and Greet Hingham. Keep up the wonderful work, Luci!