Linda Naimey is Finding Her Voice in Duxbury

Where are you originally from?
I was born in Atlanta, Georgia. My dad was a Marine and we moved so frequently that when I began 7th grade in Massachusetts it was my 5th school across 4 states. Easton became my adopted hometown and is where I raised my two daughters. I also taught Kindergarten for more than 20 years in West Bridgewater so I’m very at home here on the South Shore.
What brought you to Duxbury?
It feels a little like Duxbury found me. I was displaced from my apartment on the Cape during the pandemic real estate surge so with everything in storage I began a 15-month quest to find an affordable apartment. I applied to many places both on and off Cape, and Duxbury was the first place where I cleared the waiting list. With the number of places I’ve lived in my life, It’s
quite ironic that I would wind up in a community where most people have been established for decades if not generations. I feel there’s a spirit of permanence that makes it easy to feel I’ve found a home here in Duxbury.
How long have you lived in Duxbury?
I have lived at The Bodhi at Island Creek Village on Tremont Street since November 2022.
What do you enjoy most about our town?
I’m grateful I’m still close to ocean beaches and pine barrens. My favorite places to walk are the Powder Point Bridge and Round Pound Bog Trail. I’ve been doing Qigong and TaiChi for a decade and love it when I can practice outdoors. Proximity to Boston is also a real bonus.
What local creative activities do you enjoy most?
Writing and music have become important activities in retirement. The Duxbury Free Library is a frequent destination and there’s always a sunny chair near a window for me to settle into reading or writing. I joined the Duxbury Writers Group at the Library and the Memoir Writing Group at the Senior Center. It’s important to be engaged with others because writing can be such a solitary experience. For music, I found Community Voices at the South Shore Conservatory because In the past I’ve experienced art therapies as very helpful in alleviating PTSD symptoms. I found it’s a perfect match for me as I share space mediated by music therapists with others finding both community and the joy of vocal expression.
Do you have any favorite senior activities?
The Bodhi is a 55+ community at Island Creek Village and has lots of scheduled activities. I attend the Monday and Wednesday morning Yoga classes pretty faithfully and will have a community garden plot there during the summer. I also take part in many of the opportunities at the Duxbury Senior Center and especially appreciate the tech support, genealogy research expertise and the memoir writing group.