Mike O'Malley Gets Our Vote as a Ready Leader

What is your role in Student Council?
First and foremost, I am the president of my class and have been committed to such for the past three years. As class president, I plan events, fundraise, and serve as a delegate on the DHS Student Council Executive Board. Additionally, I have had the honor of serving as a delegate on the Southeastern Massachusetts Association of Student Council’s board. Furthermore, I am involved with the Massachusetts Association of Student Councils. At the annual three-day conference with thousands of kids from across the state which took place in mid-March, I was elected to serve as the state vice president.
How do you hope to use this to influence incoming Stuco members and the program itself?
I hope to use this influence as a source for good. There is no good in a position when you fail to serve the people who elected you and trusted you. So to me, using positions for good means reaching out to the people on the fringes, it means engaging with people, and it means bringing others with you as you try to make your school and community a better place.
What has been your favorite Student Council initiative?
My favorite Student Council initiative was planning Homecoming sophomore year. A lot of people said we could not do it and a lot of people gave us backlash for having it on the turf to avoid masks and whatnot. Although, when all was said and done, the overall response was that it was super fun. It was definitely a great way to bring back school spirit following the lockdown.
What advice would you give any incoming Student Council members to get the most out of their experience?
The best advice I could give is to make friends within the student council, and if you’re scared to reach out to people, do not be. I have found student council to have some of the nicest and funniest kids. None of this would have been nearly as impactful or enjoyable for me if I did not have amazing people to ride along with.
How has Student Council developed your leadership ability and overall character?
Simply put, Student Council has made me a better person. That is not just because I, alongside with the council, have had the opportunity to work alongside charities and work for our school, but, too, because the people surrounding me are good kids that encourage me to be a better person through their own actions.
How/why did you become interested in volunteering around Duxbury/MA?
I became interested in doing such because I love my town and I love my people.
What type of volunteer service do you participate in?
In addition to student council charity initiatives, I have volunteered at Matthew’s Kitchen, a food kitchen serving the homeless in Plymouth for years. I am part of the Marshfield Boys and Girls Club Keystone Club in which we serve Marshfield and surrounding communities. Additionally, I volunteer at my church, St. Ann by the Sea, where I play the oboe.
What has been the most rewarding part of completing this service?
The most rewarding part has been having the opportunity to give back to others and serve my friends, community, and as of recently, my state.
Who is your biggest role model?
My response has to be a package deal; that package being my mom and my dad. Their continued faith, work for others, and dedication to our family encourage me to live by their actions and be the best person I can be.