The Student Council - Time to Get Involved

Meredith Bonner has been teaching Spanish at East Grand Rapids Middle School for the past six years, and she’s also been the faculty advisor of the Student Council for the past five years.
“The East Grand Rapids Middle School Student Council is a student organization that works as a team to plan, organize, promote, and execute programming that impacts student life,” says Meredith. Student Council represents the student voice and brings forward any ideas that they have to better their middle school experience.
We sat down with Mrs. Bonner recently to learn more about the contributions that the Student Council makes at EGRMS.
Q: How do you get involved with the student council? Do students need to run and be elected to the Student Council?
The Student Council is composed of an executive board of eighth grade students and representatives from all three grade levels. Four officers, 8th grade students elected by the student body, sit on the executive board. They work together as a team to lead meetings with the representatives. There is no limit to the number of representatives in the Student Council not do they have to be elected to participate.
Q: What are the benefits of being on student council?
Students who participate in the Student Council are able to express their opinions on activities related to student life at the middle school. It is also a platform for students to share new ideas and express ways to better their experience while at middle school.
As a member of the Student Council, I hope officers and representatives develop and strengthen leadership skills and learn how to advocate for themselves and their peers. I also hope that students realize that their voice matters and that when they use it they can make a positive change!
Q: What activities is the student council responsible for planning?
Traditionally, students help plan and executive activities for Homecoming, spirit assemblies, Kabookie Week, and community outreach such as volunteering and running donation drives. This year the Student Council held a drive in November to collect toys, games, and winter coats to support the Boys & Girls Club of Grand Rapids. Most recently, the Student Council made Valentine’s cards for residents of Beacon Hill.
I am very proud of the Student Council’s initiative to support other clubs and student organizations at the middle school. Three years ago, the Student Council planned a fundraiser with Kona Ice. The funds raised were used to establish a grant system which provides financial support for middle school clubs. Most recently the Student Council has supported Dungeons and Dragons Club by purchasing player handbooks and figurines to create characters.
Now the Student Council holds the Kona Ice fundraiser annually and uses the funds raised in the Spring to support clubs during the following academic year. If your middle school student knows of a need for their club, please encourage them to submit a grant application to the Student Council.
Q: When are the next elections? How many positions are available? What are the expectations of a person to be on council? Time commitment? GPA requirements?
Elections for the 8th grade executive board are held in May. Rising 8th grade students who declare their candidacy run a one-week campaign. Students hang posters and prepare to deliver a speech in front of the student body. An assembly is held during which candidates deliver their speech. Immediately following the assembly students complete an electronic ballot to vote.
Executive Board members are expected to attend all meetings and Student Council events. They are also expected to uphold all of the expectations outlined in the EGRMS Student Handbook and be an upstanding member of the school community.
Any student who wishes to be a representative simply needs to attend the Student Council meetings. Representatives can be from any grade level (6th, 7th, or 8th).
We recognize that students’ schedules change throughout the academic year as does their availability to attend meetings. Being able to meet during the middle school’s FlexTime during our PIERS block has helped this immensely. Students are able to meet during the school day, allowing them to be a representative and still juggle their after school co-curriculars.
Student Perspectives:
Why did you want to be a member of the EGRMS student council executive board?
“I wanted to become a member of the EGRMS student council Executive Board because I love helping people and making the world a better place. I also like to be involved in the community. I believe that if we all pitch in a little we can accomplish a lot.” - Willa Norden
What is your favorite activity/event the Student Council has been a part of this year? Why?
“The winter break assembly was my favorite event led by student council this year because we had a lot of fun games and a lot of people were included.” - Will Wise
What do you hope to accomplish this year with the Student Council?
I hope I can help make the school continue to grow in advance and try my best to make sure the students at East Grand Rapids also have a voice. -Camilla Volovlek
What do you like most about it being a member of the student council?
“I definitely love the community outreach aspect, but the people are an amazing part. Every time I walk into a meeting I get excited to hear everyone’s ideas!” Willa Norden