Meet CC: Rescued Pup and Lover of Cheese!

Brett and Tammy Allen would like to introduce their 10-year-old rescue pup

We were not interested in adopting (or even having) a dog at the time, but Tammy attended a pet adoption event with a friend and upon seeing CC, immediately had to check her out. Within a week or so, we ended up taking her home. We adopted her from A Doggie 4 You. She had been found in Concepcion Park in San Antonio and was very scared of pretty much everything. After about 6 months, she fit right in and began to relax. She is still afraid of loud noises like thunder and fireworks.

CC is a brindle mix and people often mention that when they first see her, they think she looks a little scary. After getting to know her though, most people just love her personality. She is very cuddly and sweet. She likes most dogs and loves to play with them. She was able to get my dad's dog to play with her (Daisy would not play with any other dog). She loves to play with a Lamb Chop toy, and we have them on recurring subscription with Amazon (1 every 6 months).

CC likes most any dog treats but specifically loves cheese. All we have to do is open the cheese drawer in the fridge and she comes running. She also loves Reddi Whip and when she hears that noise, she runs to the kitchen.

When we got her, CC was afraid of everything and didn't want anything to do with other people or dogs.  She was deathly afraid of anything resembling a stick (apparently, she may have been beaten or chased). It took 3 to 6 months to come out of her shell and now she is the sweetest dog. As our son says, she is the easiest dog we have ever owned (we have had hunting dogs in the past). She is the first dog we have rescued. We will definitely rescue another dog. CC is very special to us, and we are just so grateful to have found her. She has been with us since 2016.