FORES Students Support Boerne Animal Shelter Via EarlyAct Program

Students at Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary School collected various pet-related items for the City of Boerne Animal Services shelter as part of a community service project initiated by the EarlyAct™ Club at the school. EarlyAct™, sponsored by The Rotary Club of Fair Oaks Ranch, provides elementary school students the opportunity to develop an increased awareness and knowledge of their community. It also engages students in character-building activities and prepares them for leadership roles to identify and carry out projects that benefit their school and local communities.

The elected leaders of the FORES EarlyAct™ Club decided to address the needs of our four-legged friends by staging a school-wide drive during December to collect supplies and related items for the shelter, which serves both the cities of Boerne and Fair Oaks Ranch. As Club President Collins Maxwell explains, “We chose this project because animals are a big part of our families. We all agreed to recognize the need of animals in the shelters, too.” 3rd Grader Jensen added, “We need to meet their needs, so our animals in the shelter can survive and be happy!”

Teachers Gloria Salas & Kat Smith serve as Faculty Advisors for the EarlyAct™ Club at FORES. If you are a parent of a child attending Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary, and are interested in learning more about EarlyAct™, contact Mrs. Salas or Mrs. Smith at the school. The Rotary Club of Fair Oaks Ranch members oftentimes attend meetings and offer assistance as needed. However, the Rotary Club does not run EarlyAct™, but, when asked, will work to help it succeed.