Shamus Loves a Deep Pool!

This month I was fortunate enough to get to talk to the Hoffman family (Judd, Julie, Gabby and Bella), and their dog, Shamus! By way of background, I have been friends with Gabby since we were infants, as our moms met through a Hingham Newcomers Club playgroup in 2010. Back then, the Hoffmans had another dog, Elle. As our friendship has grown, we have come to know their new adorable pup, a Red Goldador, named Shamus.
Shamus is a boy and one year old. The Hoffmans wanted a new pet in their home, so when they saw an available puppy from Pennsylvania they knew they had introduced a new member to the family! They got him from a family who did not want the dog anymore. As he was still young, the family took him in because he needed a family. The name Shamus comes from a family “inside joke” they had and repeatedly laughed about.
Some interesting talents Shamus has are that he can jump 9 feet out of a pool AND swim to the bottom of a nearly ten-foot-deep pool. Shamus is one incredible dog! The Hoffmans love that he is a ball of energy. Gabby says he is very attached to the family. Shamus clearly loves the Hoffmans!
A funny story about their pup is when they were in the pool and Shamus jumped on Julie which spilled all the drinks and popped many floats. Even though they were angry, Shamus made it better. One of his favorite things is going on car rides. He sometimes sits in the front seat with treats and a cushion. Shamus loves the feeling of wind on his face and being with his family. He is very spoiled; he gets tons of treats, toys, and special surprises. Shamus is very happy and never seems to get sad, which makes him the perfect pup for whenever one of the Hoffman family has a rough day. He can smile very big. He is such a sweetheart and gives lots of kisses if you need them.
Shamus has enriched the Hoffman household so much and everyone loves him! Even though we don’t have a dog of our own, I love that I get to spend time at the Hoffman house with Shamus.