Meet Enzo Fawcett

Family member names: Stephanie, Trevor, Holland, Brooks
Pets: Enzo, Whiskey, Bentley (all dogs) and Wilson (kitty)
Where/why did you get your pet?
Both Stephanie and Trevor are avid lovers of animals and had talked about adopting a
Goldendoodle at some point. On a random evening, Stephanie stumbled onto a Facebook
page for a Goldendoodle breeder, and saw a picture of this sweet-faced puppy called “Tank”.
When she saw him, she immediately fell in love! Of course, it didn’t hurt that his breeder-given
name perfectly aligned with Trevor’s history in the Marine Corps driving military tanks during the
war with Iraq. So the rest, as we say, is history… Stephanie immediately reserved sweet Tank
for the family.
Is there a story behind its name?
Absolutely! Our family was already home to a 13-year-old Havanese called “Bentley”, so when
it came time to name our second puppy, only a car name would do. Brooks immediately came
up with “Enzo” after Enzo Ferrari, founder of Ferrari cars, as well as the movie “The Art of
Racing In The Rain”. So, we settled on the name Enzo Tank Fawcett.
Anything special or unusual about them (talents/quirks)?
Our Enzo loves to play and wrestle with his Siberian Kitty brother Wilson. He also loves to
watch tv! Every time he sees an animal on TV he will grab a toy, put it in his mouth, jump on
the couch and whine as if to say, “Hey friend, let’s play!”
What do you like best about your pet?
Now that he is 2 ½ years old, Enzo is such an affectionate dog. He loves to be held like a baby and gets his snuggles and loves.
How spoiled is your pet?
Enzo is very spoiled and loves to sleep with us every night. He loves laying on Trevor’s feet –
which isn’t always the most comfortable! He also loves to steal a spot on the pillow above
Stephanie’s head when he can – and he can do it so stealth-like that he doesn’t even wake
Trevor or Stephanie up!
What else should we know about your pet and/or how your pet has enriched your
We can’t imagine life without him! He has made us laugh, provides us with such unconditional
love and is a joyful addition to our house! He truly is such an amazing boy!