TEDxBellevueWomen 2024

From left: Kelly Suter, Terri Fujinaga, Emily Persha, Dele Downs Kooley, Dr. Nooshin Darvish, Kirsten Duncan, Claudia Longo, Parul Sharma, Lia Mancuso.
Nearly 400 guests recently gathered for the TEDxBellevueWomen 2024 program, “Reach,” held at the Kirkland Performance Center in October. This marked the fourth community-based event produced by this small group of volunteers whose goal is to create a space to highlight “ideas worth spreading.” The event featured five fearless speakers and a musical performance, each inspiring the audience members to rise, stretch, morph and see things anew! A catered reception immediately followed the event and enabled community connections with both new and familiar faces. Each of the TEDx-style talks presented that day will be edited and then uploaded to the TED platforms for later distribution across the various TED media channels. You can read more about the 2024 speakers, access all of the former TEDxBellevueWomen speaker talks, and learn more about future events at TEDxBellevueWomen.