Meet Maddie
Learn more about this amazing collegiate rower!

Maddie Ohm
University of Washington (Seattle)
What drew you to participate in this sport?
I got an email from the coaches before my freshman year with a survey about my interest. I had never been involved in rowing, but it seemed like a really cool opportunity so I emailed one of the assistant coaches, and she told me to come out to Seattle for a camp they typically host for people interested in rowing in college.
How long have you participated in this sport?
3 years
Where/how often do you normally practice?
We normally practice on Lake Washington which is pretty great because we can go out on the water year-round since the weather is really mild in comparison to the Midwest! We have practice six days per week, and most days we practice in the morning before class and then also meet again in the afternoon.
Are you on a team?
Yes, I am on the women's team at my school.
In what types of events have you participated (tournaments, other types of competitions, etc.)?
This year, our team got third at the last Pac-12 Championship ever! We are looking forward to moving to the Big 10 next year where we will hopefully have some races closer to home.
What have you learned from participating in this sport?
I think I've learned to really trust myself and the work I put in when it comes to rowing, and even outside of rowing. Whenever you take on a challenge, it can be easy to let your doubts creep in, but I know myself well, and I have a good idea of what works for me so I try to stick to that as much as I can.
What do you like the most about the sport?
My team! It can be really hard to balance the intense training with school and other extracurriculars, but they manage it all with such grace. Seeing their hard work pay off is rewarding for me and inspires me to keep reaching for more.
Who do you idolize in this sport?
Definitely my coach, Yaz Farooq. She is always advocating for us to make sure we have the resources we need to be successful. I think she does a great job setting the standard for other schools and coaches to follow.
Give a tip for someone looking to get into this sport:
I would say don't underestimate technique especially on the water. You can pick up a lot of speed by making technique changes and it can really help with avoiding injury which means more time spent rowing!