Hey Jude: A Corgi’s Tale of Fun, Family, and Fetching Tennis Balls!

Hello there, readers! My name is Jude, and I am a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. My mom, Katie Courtney, got me from a farm in a small town, called Perrytown, right outside of Amarillo. She has always loved Corgis; however, I am the first one she’s owned. There’s not a specific story behind my name but my mom thinks it’s funny to sing “Hey Jude” to me. My family and friends sometimes call me “Judie,” and when I do something I’m not supposed to, mom calls me “Judith.”
A little bit more about me is that I am a very vocal dog, and I like to express when I’m excited by saying “woo.” Mom says that other Corgis make the same sound, but I am the best at it. I know some tricks, but I only like to show them off when there are treats involved. Also, I am strong-willed and sweet, and I always have a big grin on my face. I try to bring joy to everyone around me, and I love kids.
My favorite toy has to be a classic tennis ball, and I love to chase them. I also like to explore the backyard in search of sticks to carry around. I enjoy playing in the backyard and trying to chase squirrels and birds. I especially love to go on walks and take trips to the dop park.
Something unique about me is that I love to sleep on my back with my paws sticking up in the air. My mom thinks it’s cute to see me all stretched out, knocked out, and with my paws in the air. I’m a pretty lucky dog. My mom likes to use the word spoiled, but I like lucky better. I have my own personal toy chest and an entire winter sweater wardrobe. I pretty much get treats whenever I want, so maybe spoiled is the better word.
Lastly, I love to be around people, and I think strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet. Walking through the neighborhood and meeting new friends while taking in all the smells is so much fun. I am a very blessed Corgi, and I love my friends and family!