Doss Elementary 2nd Grader, Ari Isis, takes on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter learns that he is a wizard and the first survivor of Voldemort’s killing curse. After that, he gets to go to wizard school to learn magic. At school, he becomes one of the best Quidditch players. Harry stops Voldemort from coming back to full power by stopping him from getting the Sorcerer’s Stone.
I liked this book because it made me think that I could be a wizard. I would like to use magic, take secret passageways and have an invisibility cloak. I liked the personalities of Harry Potter and his friends. The drama between the characters was entertaining especially when Hermione smacked Malfoy in the face!
I read this book while I was on a summer vacation with my family in Mexico. I have recommended this book to a lot of friends! I have read every book in the series and they just keep getting better.
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.