Step Up for Bellevue Kids On April 23rd!

Join your West Bellevue neighbors, colleagues, local leaders, and philanthropists at the upcoming Step Up to the Plate Benefit Luncheon on Tuesday, April 23rd, at the Meydenbauer Center. This annual Bellevue-centric event benefits local nonprofit Bellevue LifeSpring’s programs that provide stability and self-sufficiency for our community’s most vulnerable children and their families.
The significance of Bellevue LifeSpring’s luncheon cannot be overstated, especially for the one in four children who attend the Bellevue School District and face food and housing insecurity. That’s more than 4,135 students, with more than 415 experiencing homelessness. Your participation in this event makes a tangible difference in the lives of our youngest Bellevue community members.
This year’s event chairs (aka the luncheon’s fearless leaders) are Keri Pravitz, Manager, Community Engagement at Amazon and Bellevue LifeSpring Board Member; Maggie Vergien, West Bellevue community member and Bellevue LifeSpring Board Member; and Ellen Wilwerding, West Bellevue community member and Bellevue LifeSpring One Circle Member.
As Bellevue LifeSpring’s largest event of the year, the luncheon provides an incredible platform for raising vital funds to help elevate awareness about the need within Bellevue. The event also serves as a space to celebrate the collective impact our community has achieved thus far and showcase how partnerships and collaborations across all sectors can leverage a greater impact.
A Moment to Share Gratitude
At each luncheon, a Bellevue community member is honored with the Trish Carpenter Volunteer of the Year award. This annual award honors a volunteer who has exhibited extraordinary support for Bellevue LifeSpring, often behind the scenes and without acknowledgment. With Bellevue LifeSpring’s history of serving the community for over 100 years and with over 200 dedicated volunteer circle members, this award is an exclusive and distinguished honor. Many past honorees live here in West Bellevue and may be your neighbor! Past recipients include Trish Carpenter, Karin Dashen, Sherry Frost, Marilyn Herzberg, Marcia Holland, Carole Martin, Molly McConkey, Sharon Northrup, Joan Valaas, and Maggie Vergien.
Bellevue LifeSpring also honors a local business with the annual Wings Award. The Wings Award celebrates individuals, companies, and organizations that touch the lives of Bellevue children and families by supporting solutions to significant issues. Past Wings award recipients include Amazon, Chef John Howie, Kemper Freeman and the Kemper Freeman family, Lexus of Bellevue, Safeway, and Windermere Foundation Eastside.
Join Us!
Our community’s participation in this year’s luncheon will help ensure all children in Bellevue have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. Here are three ways you can join in and make a difference:
- Become a Champion for Children. As a Champion, you help lead the way to a successful luncheon by making a pre-event investment of $1,000 or more. This generosity demonstrates your commitment to supporting Bellevue children and will inspire your neighbors, colleagues, friends, and family to join you—creating a ripple effect of support.
- Host a Table. Be the catalyst for community engagement and support by hosting a table (or tables) of 10 guests. Table hosts invite their personal or professional networks with the goal of raising awareness and garnering support for Bellevue children in need. There is no cost to host a table. Please contact to get started.
- Sponsor the Event. Local companies, organizations, and individuals can step up to the plate for Bellevue kids by becoming a sponsor. By making a leadership investment, you are making a public statement that declares your commitment to building a stronger and more inclusive Bellevue. There are multiple sponsorship levels along with benefit options. To become a Step Up to the Plate Benefit Luncheon Sponsor, please contact
Are you new to the luncheon and interested in attending to learn more about Bellevue LifeSpring? We've got you covered! For information on registration, table hosting, and becoming a Champion or event sponsor, please visit or scan the QR code below.
When Bellevue’s kids achieve success, it spreads throughout our schools, businesses, and neighborhoods, benefiting all Bellevue residents, present and future.
We hope to see you on April 23rd!